Sunday, October 17, 2004

Anything Goes

I know...I know...get on with other stuff.

Ok. Here's my promise: "Maybe one more after this one, and I won't say another word about the election."

This election year has crystallized my thoughts about everything we are going through. I am active in the intellectual debate about our future.

I am one of the few who has really thought about this beyond the election consequences. I know that may sound presumptuous, but my daily experience is proving the theory...heck, why wouldn't I be right? After all, most people don't think two or three years down the pike...about societal/ governmental/ world consequences anyway...

The Beginning

It started with a somewhat docile society. Let's use that as the base.

Then Clinton got caught doing his cigar magic with Monica--in the Oval Office of all places. That started families across America talking about it at the dining room table. Hmmm, I can't remember EVER talking to my grandma or mom about blow jobs.

So that opened the door for others to push the "freedom of speech" envelope a little more. Enter Howard Stern and his "do you like anal or oral?" or "let's see your titties" radio show.

Thanks Howard. Now the door is opened a lot wider. More and more people are jumping on the bandwagon to say whatever they want to say, because it is their "right". "If you don't like it, don't listen...or sue me". The FCC did.

Then--for the teenie-bopper kids--enter Brit Spears and all of the nipple-pierced, silicon boobs, and hooker outfitted wannabees. Now even the 12 year olds are dressing like 19 year old sluts and parents have lost the remains of their already weak ability to say "no". Janet Jackson's Super Bowl breast helped her sell lots of CD's.

Now the door to "anything goes" is really wide open, as society has begun to embrace it at all levels, including the media. "What's so wrong with seeing a boob with a nipple shield bouncing around in front of millions in a world-wide audience?" Ask a radical Muslim what he thinks about it.

It Continues in 2004

This election year has seen the media for what it is...a biased group of organizations who are influencing the public with slanted views. Just ask Dan Rather. They endorse John Kerry by placement of his "news" before the running positive sound bites from/about him, but have little or nothing to say good about the President. They do all the tricks every advertising agency has been doing for years to promote things. I know, I taught the course.

Then the election...remember the election? After Kerry made the huge rhetoric change during the primary from being reasonable to taking on the "we are going to hell because of Bush" approach of Howard Dean, the door has swung wide open.

Society is numb to the truth. So it believes outright lies from John Kerry.

...Kerry said Bush is going to bring back the draft = total lie (per congress and the Selective Service)
...Kerry said Bush is responsible for the 350 tons of missing high explosives in Iraq = total lie (as it turned up missing between 1998 (Clinton's time in office), and 2002 (before Bush even invaded Iraq)
...And that Bush stole the 2000 election because he prevented people from voting. And Kerry keeps on the attack, throwing around these lies as though they were fact. He has not been able to prove any of these charges...hmmmmm...

Outright lies and Kerry knows it. Yet there is a saying that if you throw enough mud, some of it will stick...even though it is totally untrue.

So the American public will choose between a known liberal and a quasi-conservative. If it goes the liberal way, you can bet the ranch that the effort to loosen the "anything goes" constraints on society will increase. It is a liberal mindset...and remnember, Kerry is one of them...the most liberally-rated senator in our government.

The Consequence

Mediocrity. The leveling out of our society where people are more homogeneous. More sensitivity towards everyone, including other religions, like Muslim. Muslim holidays will be on the calendar, prayers over community loudspeakers, our government being pulled away from its roots and conforming to Mexican and Cuban wants. Other nationalities will start "calling the shots" in city after city.

The Pledge of Allegiance, City emblems with "religious" references or symbols in their seals, the official language of the USA, amnesty for illegal aliens,...etc, etc...will be under attack. Slowly each one will lose. We will water-down every aspect of what this nation was built on and fought for during the years prior to 2000.

The public will accept -- even cheer -- liars, cheats, and permissive government personalities...all with the encouragement of the media.

The End...Why I am Anxious

So this is why I am so anxious about this election and beyond: This is a watershed time in our country's history. What happens here will either begin our accelerated walk into the ranks of a world power gone "pussy-whipped" (with someone like China bucking us for world power), or do what we can to hold onto the idea that we have a destiny to lead the world in freedom.

Right now we are acting like a company...trying to be smart about what is coming down the pike...anticipating it and acting before it is upon us. Like avoiding fierce competition before it hurts our sales. To be proactive in what we be a leader and show people -- who have not been successful -- how to do it right.

If John Kerry were a large corporation's CEO, his ideas would not work, pure and simple. His business would be gobbled up by any number of competitors. And in this election, the competitors are socialism and world ranking.

Some say civil war could be in our future. God save the USA.


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