Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Ladies, Can You Handle the Truth?


I love 'em to be sure and want everything good for them.  In a lot of situations I would rather be with a woman than the guys.

But women are showing their dark side...their failure to have any street smarts.  When will you care about the consequences of your vote...for the sake of your children or their lives will be hit hard by all the changes you supported without you knowing anything about the real-life consequences.

As a federal officer I learned all about street aware that people seem nice but can be liars, cheats, & thieves  They will talk a good game but only to sucker you in.  They will baffle you with bullshit.  You will pay a price for your nativity

A lot of women are unbelievably fickle & fall into the the bullshit trap in a heart beat. They end up voting the country's future to somebody just because she is a woman or any number of illogical and poorly thought through reasons.  After getting burned by Obama (promised you nothing but bullshit about your healthcare premiums just for starters), you should have known better and been wiser about HRC.  She believes in continuing the downward spiral for the USA that we all are experiencing,

If you help finance &/or vote for what HRC is saying, you will be supporting a globalist politician who has her eyes on fundamentally changing the USA just like Obama did/has.

At that stage of the game, you will be no better than those people.

At that stage of the game you will be considered a domestic enemy of the United States.  You will be promoting the overthrow of the USA and our Constitution.  Globalist promote socialist norms which are ripping up the European countries.  That isn't what our country believes in.  Domestic enemies surely believe that.  Make the decision on whether you are an American or are willing to help promote the overthrow of the USA...then tell you kids/grand kids who you stand for

At that stage of the game you will be the enemy which a lot of people in this country will despise.

Saying that is factual, but saying it saddens me because a lot of women haven't learned much about street smarts & are naive ...a lot of women are played as easy marks and played as a may have been busting your tails raising a family (God bless you) but weren't exposed to the street training where we learn how liars and cheats operate, thus perpetuating the inability to understand the consequences of your vote...the consequences that will hit your kids hard when they get older.

Contrasts are significant between HRC and Trump.  This country needs to be very careful to ensure the dumbing down of American people is minimized and that we keep the USA as the focal if we lose our country, the women of this country will have a large part in it.

Make you vote what is right for the future of your family and grand kids.  Surely they don't want to have their mom or grandma known as someone who helped the wrong people...someone that voted for making their life harder.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Listen to the Trash

There was a time, some eight years ago, when large swaths of people got excited just hearing the words "Hope and Change".  Their neighbors got excited, they talked about it at work, they knew that  hope and change was missing from their lives.

People bought it like a clearance sale.  Now, eight years later, lots of people see the errors of their ways.  It sure didn't work out like they hoped.

Just what the hell did you think would happen cupcake?  You fell in love with words. You never took the time to digest what the words meant.  You just jumped on the bandwagon without realizing that you fell for a scam.

You got suckered.  A salesman said all the right things and you believed him.  Now you're paying for it.  You bought the "sizzle" not the "steak".

Well here we are, 2016 and a lot of you are doing exactly the same thing with a man who is wooing you for your vote.  You are setting yourself up to be suckered again.

Once a sucker, always a sucker.  "Stupid is as stupid does...".  You don't even see it coming.

Example:  Donald Trump.   While I commend him for speaking out about the corrupt politicians who no longer represent us, it is unacceptable for this man to act without any dignity, after all he wants to represent our country. 

No dignity when he wonders if a interviewer was having her period as she was not nice to him. 
Or when he made fun of the face of a woman candidate.  Or that his followers would still vote for him even if he started shooting people. 

There are lots of people who had a father who called them a "loser" or "stupid" or continually beat them up with criticism and degrading words.  That scarred the kids for life.  Would you act this way to your kids?  Is beating up your kids or spouse this way OK with you?

Well, look at the number of people who obviously don't see anything wrong with Trump acting this way.  Like Trump said...people will still support him even if he started shooting people.  How sick is that? 

This man is a disgrace to run for the Office of President...the most powerful position in the world.  He is telling you and showing you what a piece of shit he really is. He specializes in trying to destroy people who get in his way...attacks people personally because he knows it hurts deeply.

So here we are, back to the beginning.  The polls are showing that a lot of people just don't get it.  There are other candidates who have great ideas and act like good people, but the Jerry Springer crowd refuses to let go of the latest "gotcha" moment and will stick with Trump even if he shot up people.

That my friends is what a sucker is all about.  Take the high road and leave the trash at the curb.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

The Constitution is Not "Old" Anymore

In fact, what you are about to experience is a quantum leap in the United States of America...

The election of a Republican President and Vice President -- if done right -- will change the course of the world.


Never in our lifetime have the stars lined up this perfectly.  This election - if done right - will take the world by storm, and catapult the United States to the most dominant and persuading collection of free people the world has seen in a long, long time.

Within the 8 years of a President's term, the USA can take control of the world.

Think about it.

What if we took the most successful & experienced world-class businessman (in all of the political world) and the most intelligent and successful Constitutional lawyer & Thinker, and put their collective intelligence to work as a team that the world has never experienced.

Donald Trump - love him or hate him,he has tremendous "Street Smarts".  He's worth several billion dollars...he is really good at what he does.  Planning, visionary of end results. Efficiency.  The whole enchilada.   He gets his way by taking "no bullshit" and instead lays out the plan...Stan.  He takes control...and gets results.

Position:  Vice President of the United States 2016

Ted Cruz - Universally known as a very smart man that has excelled at everything he has done. Over-the-top intelligent, Cruz is a gifted Constitutionalist who recalls facts and figures at the drop of a hat...nobody in the presidential field can take the stage and talk as clearly and insightful as he does ...without a teleprompter and for one hour straight...and still have people listening and learning from him.

He wins people over...the election debates will show why he was the National Grand Champion in collegiate Parliamentary debate

Position:  President 2016

The magic then happens.  Cruz focuses in on getting the government cleaned up, the crooks replaced, and be able to convey continuous stream of fixes that will mount up rapidly.  And Trump will be assuming a world perspective, making negotiations happen with real results,  holding countries responsible for what needs to get done in their areas thus showing them the way to better times for them...or have The Donald kick their ass for underperforming.  Donald will have real power as the be a sort of Patton that will have us returning to the "no bullshit, let's do what we already know we should do to fix these things" man.

Cruz in Washington, Trump traveling the globe.  Two very passionate go-getters who will have the bully-pulpit who will not stand for the Washington way any longer.  The USA will be doing the right things, the right way, and getting the results the constitution promises.

People will see the new day...knowing the USA is back in a really big way.  The Constituion lives again...a rebirth with a new way...setting a new standard on how government needs to be in the 21st century.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

And the Winner Is...

Listening to the speeches and sound bites from the Presidential candidates tends to put them into pigeon holes.  So who will have the best performances of the upcoming debates?  Who will be able to take their style of communication and convince the people he/she is the next best thing to sliced bread?

Let's take a look.

We have contestants who throw out a slightly angered speech making them sound tough and fed up with all the incompetent and spineless politicians running loose in DC.  They  tell us they are a person of action and results.  But talk is cheap...

Others use lots of words & lots of different issues.  While not angry, they talk somewhat loud and recite what they have done to address several of the problem issues.  They put forth their experience like a resume.  Yet, too many words makes it difficult for people to really understand.

How about the contestants who pick the old style of  "… and if elected, I promise to do this and that...and that and this"...they think this will wow the crowd.  Old style thinking for modern times?  Danger Will Robertson.

One group starts debates on August 6, 2015.  The other side may not have any debates.  So how will it shake out for the contestants who will use their style to get people talking about them and believing in them?  They have shown us their style as they get ready for the debates and stump speeches.  Now we are getting ready for judgement day on whether they picked the right style.

Prediction:  There will be some who get their butts kicked.

This has a good chance of happening as none of the contestants are world class communicators, including Hillary.  They don't know what it takes to say things that have the audience saying "Hey, I see what he means...I feel that way too”.  Or yes, I see the logic in what he says.

There is a grand champion in the mix that knows how to do that.  We just might want to set back and see a person masterfully convince people instead of making promises.  Nobody else on stage will have the skills of a grand champion...except one.

And if that person performs at the level of a national championship little oxygen will be left in the room.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Don't Get Me Started

I don't like to bitch and moan about things, but c'mon.  When is it ever a good idea to let goofs who don't know their ass from a hole in the ground, take control of things that impact you?  That's not a smart move.

You don't give the car keys to your drunken friend.  You don't hire a pedophile  to babysit. You don't believe someone who has lied to you over and over and over.

Somewhere along the line you wise up. At least that's how it used to be.

Yeh, it used to be that way.  People are stupid now.  People are more concerned about texting while driving than the 30,000 car accident deaths a year.  Don’t hear a peep about that do you?

You hear Rev. Sharpton spewing racial garbage that takes the focus off the real issue of  extremely poor parenting.  Parents don’t teach the basics to their kids, like how to act in public, how to say “thank you”, or how to listen to cops.  Nope, we don’t need any of that in this new America.

Hell, we don’t need anything from the America anymore.  In fact, we don’t need America. 

Well Slick, then we have a problem, because I want to keep the USA.  This is my country.  I fought for this country.  I am not up to letting a bunch of goofs who don’t know their ass from a hole in the ground (please see above) tell me that we should pattern ourselves after France or Spain or Greece…or anyplace else.  That’s not how America works.

Yet we have a Congress that has approval rating of 13%, but we let them keep their job that we disapprove of….cause we are too gutless to say “Bullshit…hey you, straighten up or your ass is going to be ridden out town”.  Naaa, can’t say that.

So we get what we deserve…an incompetent President who is an anti-American  habitual liar, Congressmen who hide and pass bills that support other countries while beating the working people down, and a dumbed-down citizenry that is too timid and gutless to stop it.

And the big losers to all this will be your kids, your grandchildren.  They will want an honest answer when they ask you…why did you do this to me?”  

Friday, August 11, 2006

Attention Deficit Disorder in Washington

Yesterday, the British took the lead in interrupting a final-stage terrorist plan to mix chemicals in-flight over the Atlantic, and blow up 10 aircraft. We lucked out, but this illustrates a few scary things.

Like, war will never be the same. Remember how wars used to be fought...guys would dress up in the team's uniform, grab guns and go out and fight. At least you would know who the bad guy was.

Seems like Washington has forgotten the Revolutionary war. The British would march together in a pack, stand there and shoot directly at the guys in front of them. Naturally the guys in the front row would drop like flies, and then the next row would replace them...kinda like shark's teeth.

As history says, the British lost the war with us. We had a bunch of guys who would hide along the trail and pick them off from the front, side, and back. We didn't play by the rules and they didn't stand a chance. Chalk one up for the good guys.

Those days have returned with Muslim terrorists. The guy, woman, or child standing next to you could be the enemy planning on cutting your throat or blowing your family off the planet...and smile doing it.

So what does the USA do if one of your friendly neighbors lights off a nuke? Who do we go after?

The answer is "We won't do much, if anything". Who do we blame? All we might know after the big bang, is that scientists might suggest the radioactive ashes might have an origin of some area. No court in the land would convict someone based on that loose and surmised info.

Yet when do we learn that war will never be the same, because we are fighting ghostly shadows of widespread ethnic hate, carried out at an individual level. We are too concerned with making sure captives have fresh bedsheets and dinner at 5pm, instead of looking at this war straight in the eye. This is WW3 bust we are acting like it is only a misbehaving child who needs a time-out.

Washington has forgotten that in this time and era, we are the equivalent of the British who back in the 1700's fought according to "gentleman's rules"...and got slaughtered acting that way.

Lastly, our out-of-date approach to this enemy was illustrated yesterday. How long have we been making explosives? So why hasn't Homeland Security thought of all the ways someone could blow up a plane? Why is mixing a bomb with liquids such a surprise to us? Who is asleep at the switch? What other ways can a bomb be placed on a jet that our leaders haven't thought of? Homeland Security said they "reverse-engineer" the bombs...what? So now we are learning bombs 101 from a bunch of 14th century tribesmen?

Sad...Dangerously sad.

Friday, May 19, 2006

We've Lost that Sovereignty Feeling...

Many Americans are confused about our "representative government". They think that their wishes will be reflected in how the elected representatives and senators vote. Not so.

During their campaigns, the politicians promise this and that, and leave the onus of determining if they are truthful to the average voter. That's because once the pols are elected to office, they can do what they want. They will have at least two years of being an "exalted ruler" of their State without anything the voters can do about it.

The immigration issue illustrates this. It doesn't matter that we see the issue crystal clear, we have no power because we gave it up after electing the twerps.

This week a study showed that in 20 years the USA will have an additional 193-217 million brown-skinned people as a result of weak immigration enforcement or amnesty.

Now, correct me if I am out-to-lunch, but wasn't there a big debate on the "Oh my God...Social Security will be broke" issue? So how do the Senators believe this will work if we allow two hundred million new poverty-class people and their families to sign up for benefits when those people haven't paid a cent into the FICA accounts?

Where will all that additional money come from? The poverty class won't foot the bill--they will be doing their best to drain it further. So that leaves the middle class to pay for it...again.

The upshot is that the middle class will be redefined only at a greatly lowered annual dollar amount. Poverty class and middle class will tend to resemble each other.

The wealth of the country will be redistributed so that your riches will be taken away to pay for the huge social benefits demanded by the brown people.

This is Socialism. Our country will become a communist experiment. And all of the lives lost to protect the USA over the years will have been for nothing.

This is because we have morons for elected officials. They don't want to see the new wave of Socialism growing in many countries South of our border.

By the Senators siding with foreign countries, we can clearly see that the kids of your kids may be working in a communist society, with no chance of bettering their lives.

As much as I hate to say this, it may take another 9-11 or two, to get people thinking straight again. If we want to maintain our sovereignty, we will have to put down the iPods, turn out to vote and purge the Congress of lame pols, and take an active role in making sure our history doesn't stop within the next 50 years.