A New Political Party
I really can't help it.
I have always been a curious guy, wondering how this or that works, and what would happen if I did this or that to it. "What if..." was always on my mind.
So after years of formal advanced education, executive positions, and a constant tinkering with this or that, it is no wonder that I sometimes wake up at 3 a.m. and just lay there...and think.
Lately I have thought about solutions to a variety of social issues. Immigration, healthcare, the War...stuff like that. And because of what I am hearing and seeing about our U.S. Congress, I have another thought.
The Gut Check
I am sickened and embarrassed by my Republican Party. I linked up with the GOP after witnessing the Clinton embarrassment and his being disbarred from practicing law because of perjury.
Now I have given up of the GOP, because it is in total disarray. The President has shown he is one-dimensional, has lost his way, his guts, and leadership ability. He infected the GOP congressman who now are acting like total fools. What is spewing from their mouths is utter intellectual garbage. They are pandering and frenzied...and showing to the world how ignorant an elected group really is.
Their latest brain child idea is to give us $100 to help with gas purchases. How unbelievably ignorant and insulting to anyone who puts 60 seconds of thought into the energy situation. They are falling over themselves to kiss our asses because elections are a week away. Only a total fool would propose this and think for a second that it would "wow" us into patting them on the back and say "Now your talking!"
On the contrary...they just exposed themselves to the voters as being bumbling idiots with no sense of pride or morals.
The Aftermath
Thanks to a self-destructing administration and demonstrated incompetence by the majority of the GOP, many of us independent thinkers will no longer vote Republican. I will not advance this kind of inferiority.
Neither political Party is worth a shit. Schumer, Feinstein, Boxer, Levin, Clinton, and others are equally as transparent and clueless as the Bush's, Frist's, and McCain's of the GOP. They are no different in their traitorous pacifism and spineless ideas.
Enter a New Political Party
The time is ripe for serious discussion about a new political party...The Conservative Party. And considering the large numbers of conservatives left in this country, they stand to garner attention and support.
Conservatives belief in maintaining our sovereignty. Maintaining the English language as our national speak. Maintaining strict enforcement of security issues such as a "no-bend" policy on illegal aliens. Encourage legal immigration, but penalize illegal entry to our land. And penalize companies who aid and abet illegal entry.
End the practice of paying welfare to people who aren't even American citizens. Go into a war and win the damn thing without blinking...and not scale back our efforts to win a quick decisive. Where is Truman when we need him?
We would speak up and tell the American public that we have problems and we are going to fix them now...no pansy-ass discussions...just results...and move on to fix the next problem.
Sound familiar? It should, because this is how you run a successful company. As it stands now, the Dems and Repubs are driving this American "business" right into the ground and into the hands of our competitors. This kind of nonsense coming out of Washington would not be tolerated in business...they'd find their weak and lame sorry asses being fired on the spot for any number of reasons.
I hunger for results. I dream of solutions. I crave for progress. I need to be part of the next "Best Generation".
The Conservative Party.
I have always been a curious guy, wondering how this or that works, and what would happen if I did this or that to it. "What if..." was always on my mind.
So after years of formal advanced education, executive positions, and a constant tinkering with this or that, it is no wonder that I sometimes wake up at 3 a.m. and just lay there...and think.
Lately I have thought about solutions to a variety of social issues. Immigration, healthcare, the War...stuff like that. And because of what I am hearing and seeing about our U.S. Congress, I have another thought.
The Gut Check
I am sickened and embarrassed by my Republican Party. I linked up with the GOP after witnessing the Clinton embarrassment and his being disbarred from practicing law because of perjury.
Now I have given up of the GOP, because it is in total disarray. The President has shown he is one-dimensional, has lost his way, his guts, and leadership ability. He infected the GOP congressman who now are acting like total fools. What is spewing from their mouths is utter intellectual garbage. They are pandering and frenzied...and showing to the world how ignorant an elected group really is.
Their latest brain child idea is to give us $100 to help with gas purchases. How unbelievably ignorant and insulting to anyone who puts 60 seconds of thought into the energy situation. They are falling over themselves to kiss our asses because elections are a week away. Only a total fool would propose this and think for a second that it would "wow" us into patting them on the back and say "Now your talking!"
On the contrary...they just exposed themselves to the voters as being bumbling idiots with no sense of pride or morals.
The Aftermath
Thanks to a self-destructing administration and demonstrated incompetence by the majority of the GOP, many of us independent thinkers will no longer vote Republican. I will not advance this kind of inferiority.
Neither political Party is worth a shit. Schumer, Feinstein, Boxer, Levin, Clinton, and others are equally as transparent and clueless as the Bush's, Frist's, and McCain's of the GOP. They are no different in their traitorous pacifism and spineless ideas.
Enter a New Political Party
The time is ripe for serious discussion about a new political party...The Conservative Party. And considering the large numbers of conservatives left in this country, they stand to garner attention and support.
Conservatives belief in maintaining our sovereignty. Maintaining the English language as our national speak. Maintaining strict enforcement of security issues such as a "no-bend" policy on illegal aliens. Encourage legal immigration, but penalize illegal entry to our land. And penalize companies who aid and abet illegal entry.
End the practice of paying welfare to people who aren't even American citizens. Go into a war and win the damn thing without blinking...and not scale back our efforts to win a quick decisive. Where is Truman when we need him?
We would speak up and tell the American public that we have problems and we are going to fix them now...no pansy-ass discussions...just results...and move on to fix the next problem.
Sound familiar? It should, because this is how you run a successful company. As it stands now, the Dems and Repubs are driving this American "business" right into the ground and into the hands of our competitors. This kind of nonsense coming out of Washington would not be tolerated in business...they'd find their weak and lame sorry asses being fired on the spot for any number of reasons.
I hunger for results. I dream of solutions. I crave for progress. I need to be part of the next "Best Generation".
The Conservative Party.
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