Tuesday, April 04, 2006

The Handwriting on the Wall

It is the aggressor in a situation who sets the rules.

Today one million people in and around Paris France protested the law that makes it legal to terminate employees within the first two years of employment. Already the government is watering down the bill and giving into the protestors.

The protest sponsors are dictating the rule of law in France. The country's tolerance is now causing the country to lose its national identity. They have lost control of their future to mob rule.

All through Europe, Christian churches are dwindling and Mosques are thriving. Birth rates in Europe's aging Christian population is down to 1.6 children per fertile couple. Compare this to the Muslim birth rate of over 3.0 children per couple. In time, by population alone, Muslims will dominate Europe.

This means their religion, morals, and lifestyle will become part and parcel of the elected offices they will own. Europe's culture will be lost to a religious invader because they were too tolerant and politically correct. Even now it is a hate crime punishable by jail time, to write an newspaper article that is construed as intolerant of the Muslim religion.

"Eurabia" is the coined word which describes the Arab takeover of the once powerful Europe. The process of invasion and takeover has been happening right under our noses, but because of tolerance, no action was taken to stop the influx. It is now almost too late. Score one for Allah.

America is also under invasion from the Mexicans, Hondurans, and others located south of the border. Mexico and the other countries have encouraged their poverty class to make a dash for the border because it will stop the financial drain on their countries. And because each of those countries are so corrupt, that means there is more money for their already deep pockets. Go North poverty people...the USA will accept you.

And for the last several decades our legislators have done just that...by making laws against illegal immigration, but then winking their eye at the guys who just crawled over the fence...all 800,000 illegals coming here each and every year.

The USA has undergone a shift in recent years towards tolerance and the need to be sensitive to each other. Avoid confrontations...respect the dignity of all people, regardless if they are breaking into your home, eating your food, and taking money from your wallet to pay for healthcare and other social services. Tolerance. No discipline is allowed. Because of the aggressive liberal demonstrations, ACLU, and activist judges they have set the rules in our legislative branch. Now our elected officials are ignoring their political base and voting on the side of the invaders.

Illegals present a clear and distinct danger to the USA as we know it. The supporters of illegal immigration forget that once they allow the "slave labor" into this country legally, that the same slave labor group will then organize and insist on higher wages. There goes the cheap labor and all the justification for allowing them to stay.

And that is only the beginning. Until they get the decent wage, the low-skill immigrants don't pay enough taxes to cover the cost of governmental benefits they will receive. They will now compete for the government benefits that USA baby boomer citizens will be looking at for their retirement years.

The Southwestern US will be over-run by Hispanics by their higher birth rate (remember Europe?). They will occupy the land, carry an allegiance to Mexico, practice their native culture, and throw the English language out with the baby and its bath water. The American culture will be lost forever in the southwestern area
of our country.

But don't forget about the Muslims. They too are invading. It is their stated goal to control the world. That they either will convert the world to Islam or they will destroy those who don't join them. And because they are the aggressors, they set the rules. Our civilized fickleness and tolerance is no match for a fanatic, death-defying mindset who is willing and hoping their children are killed in the name of a jihad against Christians and Jews. We can't even draw cartoons without Muslims throwing a tirade and erupting in murder and destruction.

America's culture will be eaten alive. We will have been conquered by a 14th century ideology.

And we don't have the balls to do anything about it. Oh, excuse me...I didn't mean to offend you by saying "balls".


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