Monday, October 18, 2004

T-Minus 375 Hours

(This is my last commentary on the 2004 election. What will be will be...)

It will all be over in 375 hours.

After months of hatred and anger being spewed in a time of war, this election will be in the books. Around and around we go...where it stops nobody knows. But in 375 hours it will land on either a Red or Blue.

A Shallow Society

The whole 2004 process illustrates how shallow our society and media has become. Here we have a candidate who has a problem telling the truth...even about stupid stuff like his here-today-gone-tomorrow orange "tan". But people don't seem to care about his tendancy to sensationalize or misrepresent.

An Example
Now think about would a wife react to a husband who changed his story even about the stupid stuff like a "tan"? Ask any woman on this planet and you can bet those inconsistencies would raise serious questions about "what's going on?".

It would not be "ok" for him to fabricate, sensationalize, or promote totally unsupported "facts" would not be ok for him to be untruthful.

But somehow people support Mr. Kerry, even though he has been caught time after time lying...even about the stupid stuff. It just doesn't seem to matter to them...

How Much Range Do They Have?

If you look at yourself, you know you are somewhat--or a lot--set in your ways. The older you get, the more "set" you are. It takes more and more to make you change your mind. It is just human nature and a product of our years of wisdom and experience.

So how do you explain when traditional Democrats who agreed with and supported the likes of John Kennedy or Sen. Joe Lieberman (traditional democrats) can all of a sudden support someone who is far removed from their traditional roots?

People do not have this range of acceptance built in to their heads. They cannot swing from one extreme to the other on a whim. People don't accept change this easily...just ask any newly married couple or any business asking their employees to do something totally different. Getting people to change is hard to do.

Yet Democrats are walking like Lemmings behind a man who is vastly different from them...and behind a man who cannot tell the same "truth" from one day to the next. Or a man who is more socialist than an American nationalist...

Lemmings historically have followed others right over the cliff. How intelligent is that? All it would take is for one of them to raise their head and say, "What am I doing?" and think for themselves. When that happens, the "truth" of the situation becomes clear. In the case of the Lemmings, it will save their life.

Yet we see a lot of people not questioning anything about this hard left liberal/socialist...they are just being "good democrats" and voting the line...being Lemmings and not being intelligent about who they are following.

This man represents only a small fringe of society but that doesn't seem to matter to the everyday American.

The Finale

So, my last comment on all this, is this: We are seeing a dramatic illustration of the "Dumbing Down of America" in action.

We have become a product of "reality" shows (which are planned and scripted). We have become a product of American Idol...where people vote the futures of other people, based on personality and 2 minute performances.

We have become a society who wants someone else to pick up the tab, instead of taking the responsibility to do the work or admit the wrong.

We are becoming a weak society who is following aggressive radical thinking of fringe groups. The aggression is purposely blurring the difference between American core values and those values of weak, lame, and historically-meaningless countries.

At what point in time will this stop? At what point will the American nationalist start fighting back? For if that doesn't happen, the question becomes, what will the T-minus countdown be to the demise of this country?

God Save the United States of America.


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