Sunday, April 30, 2006

How to Respond to Manner-less Cell Phoners

There are a million cell phone stories in the city. This is just one of them.

My name is Bill. One of over 600,000 Bill's in the state of Ohio. Normally mild-mannered, but easily agitated by people who aren't aware of what they are doing...either driving or spilling intimate secrets to everyone within earshot of their cell yell.

But I have a way to deal with those cell yell people. It works like a family gathering at the holidays.

Dealing with Cell Yell
Since the loud, revealing conversation is conducted in a public area, consider yourself a party to the conversation. This is much like street artists who perform for us. Or the crazy guy downtown who is a corner orator. In all cases, we are part of the spectacle.

Now that we have our rights defined, let's jump to our part.

Go up to the cell phone user and ask a question for the person on the other phone. If you deduced that they were sick, ask if they have tried herbal tea.

Or if they are talking about a date, politely ask about the fragrance they had on for the date. Or if they were wearing pumps.

Here's the best part...the look on their face when you butt in with the question. After all, you can't help from asking because the conversation grabbed your attention like booty at Hooters.

If the cell yeller turns away, now you become the a cheap prom date saying no after working you to a froth.

Participate! Add that fresh dimension of meeting new people when they least expect it.

If you are lucky, this will cause a lasting impression and having the yeller spread the experience to his/her 15 closest friends...probably by cell phone.

Yes friends, we are f-a-m-i-l-y, so get involved with the conversation. I hope Uncle Pat is doing better...that you can stop at home before your Thursday PAP Smear appointment, and you, like, fer sure, wear a new bitchin' shade of nail polish when you, like, go out with Pete after the basketball game.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

A New Political Party

I really can't help it.

I have always been a curious guy, wondering how this or that works, and what would happen if I did this or that to it. "What if..." was always on my mind.

So after years of formal advanced education, executive positions, and a constant tinkering with this or that, it is no wonder that I sometimes wake up at 3 a.m. and just lay there...and think.

Lately I have thought about solutions to a variety of social issues. Immigration, healthcare, the War...stuff like that. And because of what I am hearing and seeing about our U.S. Congress, I have another thought.

The Gut Check
I am sickened and embarrassed by my Republican Party. I linked up with the GOP after witnessing the Clinton embarrassment and his being disbarred from practicing law because of perjury.

Now I have given up of the GOP, because it is in total disarray. The President has shown he is one-dimensional, has lost his way, his guts, and leadership ability. He infected the GOP congressman who now are acting like total fools. What is spewing from their mouths is utter intellectual garbage. They are pandering and frenzied...and showing to the world how ignorant an elected group really is.

Their latest brain child idea is to give us $100 to help with gas purchases. How unbelievably ignorant and insulting to anyone who puts 60 seconds of thought into the energy situation. They are falling over themselves to kiss our asses because elections are a week away. Only a total fool would propose this and think for a second that it would "wow" us into patting them on the back and say "Now your talking!"

On the contrary...they just exposed themselves to the voters as being bumbling idiots with no sense of pride or morals.

The Aftermath
Thanks to a self-destructing administration and demonstrated incompetence by the majority of the GOP, many of us independent thinkers will no longer vote Republican. I will not advance this kind of inferiority.

Neither political Party is worth a shit. Schumer, Feinstein, Boxer, Levin, Clinton, and others are equally as transparent and clueless as the Bush's, Frist's, and McCain's of the GOP. They are no different in their traitorous pacifism and spineless ideas.

Enter a New Political Party
The time is ripe for serious discussion about a new political party...The Conservative Party. And considering the large numbers of conservatives left in this country, they stand to garner attention and support.

Conservatives belief in maintaining our sovereignty. Maintaining the English language as our national speak. Maintaining strict enforcement of security issues such as a "no-bend" policy on illegal aliens. Encourage legal immigration, but penalize illegal entry to our land. And penalize companies who aid and abet illegal entry.

End the practice of paying welfare to people who aren't even American citizens. Go into a war and win the damn thing without blinking...and not scale back our efforts to win a quick decisive. Where is Truman when we need him?

We would speak up and tell the American public that we have problems and we are going to fix them pansy-ass discussions...just results...and move on to fix the next problem.

Sound familiar? It should, because this is how you run a successful company. As it stands now, the Dems and Repubs are driving this American "business" right into the ground and into the hands of our competitors. This kind of nonsense coming out of Washington would not be tolerated in business...they'd find their weak and lame sorry asses being fired on the spot for any number of reasons.

I hunger for results. I dream of solutions. I crave for progress. I need to be part of the next "Best Generation".

The Conservative Party.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Birds of a Feather...

A lot of our Grandma's had parakeets. Some were green, others yellow, and let's not forget those blue ones. And those names...Tweedy, Pretty Boy...well, just fill in the blank for what you remember. Chances are that you didn't hear of a parakeet named Max or Alfonso.

And having a parakeet was kind of gay, except of course when your grandma had one. Then it was more or less natural. They used the bird for company.

So when I got a parakeet 10 years ago, I felt a little odd. I am a somewhat young male who loves women and the idea of having a small bird didn't mix with my last idea of a German Shepard named Captain.

With Captain, I could rough-house her and she loved it. We'd wrestle on the floor and when we both tired, would just lay on the floor and took it easy...until I would start pestering her again. Then we were back to wrestling. A wonderfully domesticated pal who was my best buddy.

So when I got this bird, I knew I was in store for a whole different experience. I told a friends 4 year old grandchild about it and the little boy asked what the bird's name was. "He doesn't have a name yet. You have any ideas?" I asked the little boy.

"Charlie". And voila, the 5 week old bird had a name...Charlie.

It has been ten years now since that day in April of 1996. Charlie is sitting in his cage taking a snooze and I am writing about him. It has been a wonderful 10 years with my pal. I almost lost him twice due to illness but he bounced back and has taught me a lot about life.

He taught me how to give. I have tried to make his life as fun and as spirited as I can. I turn on the radio so his hours alone are filled with music and talk shows. I celebrate holidays with him by giving him special foods and changing his "furniture" around in his cage...a new look to keep him from getting bored. I even took him on a road trip to Florida...him in his cage in the front seat...seeing the Atlantic ocean and sunsets over the Gulf. He's traveled over 3000 miles in the car and loves it. Just him and me cruising the open road.

It has been so cool to see that he has a distinct personality. If he does something wrong, I will yell at him...and he gets this really "Oh damn, I really screwed up" look on his face...eyes wide open, head crunched down, and feathers straight back.

Other times I'll be sitting at my computer and he'll fly over to me, land on my shoulder and talk to me. He is a great talker. He says all kinds of things, like "Hey Chico, pull my finger...or Aw-w-w shit, give me a beer....and what the fuck you looking at?" The list goes on and on.

Charlie has shown me that love comes in a small package too. He'll land on my chest or forehead when I lay down for a 10 minute nap...and just sits there and takes a nap with me. He follows me around the house just to be near me. I tease him and he plays hard. He shows me that I was wrong when I thought that birds were over-rated or just for old people.

Like we all know, our life can end in the next heartbeat. Whenever that day comes, he knows that I will be there for him...and him for me. We are buds...we are family...he's my little boy.

Maybe this union was a gift from God...putting us together so we could fill that empty void in each of our lives. In doing so, we both have been made better, stronger, and even wiser. And who would have thought that a tiny blue parakeet by the name of Charlie could have captured my heart.

I guess our grandma and grandpa knew that one day, if their grandkids were lucky, they'd be one step closer to realizing what life is all about..just by learning a life lesson from a tiny parakeet.

"Lesson learned."

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Illegals, Blacks to the Back, & A Hostile Family Life

A few more thoughts on illegals and how to approach solutions.

Here's one...bring the fight to your town...a town with known illegals operating within the city limits (working in restaurants or a safe house used to house and transfer illegals).

There has to be a lawyer in your community who would like to be thrust into the spotlight and to win the support of many like-minded citizens (this means bucks to his/her practice in the months and years to come).

Then level a law suit against the Police Department and Mayor/City Hall. The cops and Mayor are well aware of the illegals but keep turning their head away from enforcing the law.

This lawsuit will hit them in the pocketbook and rally the tax-paying citizens to pressure the police and administration to clear out the illegals.

Make your city a "clean" from foreign illegals. If you don't mind having illegals around, how would you feel if your daughter got hooked up with one behind your back? If that is acceptable, then you are a sick person and need counseling (but how about going to Canada or Mexico for that?)

Mexican Family Issues
I was close to a legal immigrant (female)in Nebraska...Ortega was her name. She told me a lot about that culture.

For example, how hostile it is because it is male dominant. Women are routinely abused and treated badly if the woman steps out of line. Lots of violence because they aren't as feminized as the American culture.

My friend said she knew of many women who were hit squarely in the face with a man's bare knuckles. As a parent, how would you feel about that happening to your daughter? That's the reality.

Blacks Get Pushed Farther Back in the Bus
Did you ever wonder how the average black feels about all this illegal stuff? How does a black person feel knowing that within the last couple of years that the Hispanics have become the largest minority over the blacks. And if the weak and lame politicians cave in, almost overnite the blacks will be greatly outnumbered...being pushed back down the ladder. There won't be much love lost between the Mexicans and blacks 'cause they don't like each other anyway.

Remember the prison riots of a few months ago? Nite after nite the Mexican and black inmates tried to kill each other. That was in prison...can you imagine how the blacks will feel when a Mexican takes the blacks job or house away from him? Look at what is happening in New Orleans right now. It will only get worse.

Maybe it is time to move to Australia and read about the collapse from a newspaper. All because foreigners are getting Senators to pander to them for their vote (Sen Kennedy and Clinton, as they address an illegal rally...,"As I look out at you today, I see the future of American...". Hmmm, looks like we don't matter much to the Senators. Looks like we don't have a big part in the future of America.

Monday, April 10, 2006

America's Last Rites?

This illegal immigration issue is ramping up to a climax which will determine the future profile of our country. Our borders, language, and culture are seriously at risk.

Today, April 10th, 2006, we will witness immigration marches across the United States. A new twist is that Muslims and other nationalities are joining in...all demanding equal rights. Never mind that they have no rights because they are not US citizens. They are at war with our country's values and laws...a war without guns, but make no mistake about invading force to our country and way-of-life.

The outcome will be the same as if they took the USA with weapons. They will determine our national language, the USA majority culture, and determine the laws of our country. For example, France's protesters are making the government pass only the laws they want. France has become a slave to rioting and protest. They have lost their identity and culture because the major influx of foreigners.

We are at a dangerous point in the history of our nation. We have weak congressmen who are on the verge of giving in to a bunch of whiners and babies. They speak of guest worker programs and other amendments to pacify the non-citizens (at the expense of legal citizens). Instead of having the backbone to enforce our laws, they are poised to give in to a bunch of loud mouths.

If they give in to the protestors, it is game, set, and match for the protestors.

Once the gates are opened, a cascade of events will occur. The "low wage" workers will organize for higher wages, thus negating the rationale for them being here. Making lettuce farmers pay them more will be a cake walk, especially since they just conquered the US Senate.

Borders will become meaningless, as they will import their families from other countries, causing the initial 26 million illegals (per Sen. Ed Kennedy) to swell to over 60 million additional immigrants.

They will organize and demand welfare reform as well as other social services from the government. This will cause current citizens to compete with the new class for valuable government benefits. Baby boomers beware.

The western USA will be overrun by a new culture. The American culture will be replaced by a new dominant language and culture. New pockets of immigrants will settle in Chicago, Florida, Detroit, and many others Mideast and Eastern communities. They will over-populate the areas, gain political strength, and then take control by over-running the established cultures.

Once they see they can get results by bullying, there will be nothing that will stop them from getting what they want...regardless of what they want. The USA will cease to exist, and a different country will be built from the ruins.

This is a serious point-in-time in the life of our country. Just as the USSR crumbled in a matter of a year, don't be foolish to think that our country could not do the same thing. Our passiveness and liberal attitudes can be defeated quickly by a focused, ranting invader. We are under attack. Are we too stupid to even realize it?

Or will be realize it too late? Will this be our last rites?

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

The Demise of the Republican Party?

George W's presidency started off with a bang...9-11. What followed was historic strength in the face of terrorism and a no nonsense action plan to get the bastards. All's well that started much promise for having the brass kahoonies to stand up for what is right.

An illustrious start has fallen to embarrassment and stupidity. A series of bone-headed decisions and lack of a execution of a war has many faithful Republicans holding on to threads of hope. The most recent embarrassment is the President's lack of understanding of the immigration situation...and it's long term consequences.

Worse yet, he is ignoring his voter base. His Republican supporter concerns and ideas are no longer being represented. They have been left out in the rain...

Polls show that a majority of Americans realize how serious this immigration issue is...To the country's borders, language, and culture. Boy George is an island who seems to be missing the mark, again.

Talk radio has nailed this issue. Radio shows have touched the nerve of the population and understand that if the Republicans in Congress vote against the base's wishes, that deep trouble is in store for the entire existence of the Party.

Because of the Republican's weak and lame execution of government, Republican's will lose control of one or both Houses. That is a given for the 2006 elections this year.

If the Republican's allow a weakened immigration bill that does not satisfy the Republican base, the Party will fall apart before your very nose...about as fast as the crumbling of the USSR.

This illustrates how senseless politicians are. Instead of fixing problems and having the balls to stand up for what is right, they give in to protestors and political-correctness to shore up their voter base. This border issue should have been fixed decades ago, but politicians were too busy counting votes.

The Republican Party won't have to worry about counting many votes, because if they let us down again, many loyal Republicans will be heading for the exits. And to think that all this started with such promise.

So what will prevail...balls or ballots? This will be historic regardless of how it turns out.

The Handwriting on the Wall

It is the aggressor in a situation who sets the rules.

Today one million people in and around Paris France protested the law that makes it legal to terminate employees within the first two years of employment. Already the government is watering down the bill and giving into the protestors.

The protest sponsors are dictating the rule of law in France. The country's tolerance is now causing the country to lose its national identity. They have lost control of their future to mob rule.

All through Europe, Christian churches are dwindling and Mosques are thriving. Birth rates in Europe's aging Christian population is down to 1.6 children per fertile couple. Compare this to the Muslim birth rate of over 3.0 children per couple. In time, by population alone, Muslims will dominate Europe.

This means their religion, morals, and lifestyle will become part and parcel of the elected offices they will own. Europe's culture will be lost to a religious invader because they were too tolerant and politically correct. Even now it is a hate crime punishable by jail time, to write an newspaper article that is construed as intolerant of the Muslim religion.

"Eurabia" is the coined word which describes the Arab takeover of the once powerful Europe. The process of invasion and takeover has been happening right under our noses, but because of tolerance, no action was taken to stop the influx. It is now almost too late. Score one for Allah.

America is also under invasion from the Mexicans, Hondurans, and others located south of the border. Mexico and the other countries have encouraged their poverty class to make a dash for the border because it will stop the financial drain on their countries. And because each of those countries are so corrupt, that means there is more money for their already deep pockets. Go North poverty people...the USA will accept you.

And for the last several decades our legislators have done just making laws against illegal immigration, but then winking their eye at the guys who just crawled over the fence...all 800,000 illegals coming here each and every year.

The USA has undergone a shift in recent years towards tolerance and the need to be sensitive to each other. Avoid confrontations...respect the dignity of all people, regardless if they are breaking into your home, eating your food, and taking money from your wallet to pay for healthcare and other social services. Tolerance. No discipline is allowed. Because of the aggressive liberal demonstrations, ACLU, and activist judges they have set the rules in our legislative branch. Now our elected officials are ignoring their political base and voting on the side of the invaders.

Illegals present a clear and distinct danger to the USA as we know it. The supporters of illegal immigration forget that once they allow the "slave labor" into this country legally, that the same slave labor group will then organize and insist on higher wages. There goes the cheap labor and all the justification for allowing them to stay.

And that is only the beginning. Until they get the decent wage, the low-skill immigrants don't pay enough taxes to cover the cost of governmental benefits they will receive. They will now compete for the government benefits that USA baby boomer citizens will be looking at for their retirement years.

The Southwestern US will be over-run by Hispanics by their higher birth rate (remember Europe?). They will occupy the land, carry an allegiance to Mexico, practice their native culture, and throw the English language out with the baby and its bath water. The American culture will be lost forever in the southwestern area
of our country.

But don't forget about the Muslims. They too are invading. It is their stated goal to control the world. That they either will convert the world to Islam or they will destroy those who don't join them. And because they are the aggressors, they set the rules. Our civilized fickleness and tolerance is no match for a fanatic, death-defying mindset who is willing and hoping their children are killed in the name of a jihad against Christians and Jews. We can't even draw cartoons without Muslims throwing a tirade and erupting in murder and destruction.

America's culture will be eaten alive. We will have been conquered by a 14th century ideology.

And we don't have the balls to do anything about it. Oh, excuse me...I didn't mean to offend you by saying "balls".