Wednesday, August 04, 2004

How to Win the Approval of Islamic Radicals

Geez, it seems as though some third-world guys with sharp swords and no intelligence seem to dislike us.

Ask around and liberal people mouth the same answer...we are bullies...we are controlling the world with threats and a war machine that can knock the socks off anyone on this planet. But don't believe them...they do not know of what they speak.

It could be that we are just next in line for them to dislike. Currently there are 14 conflicts in the world between a Muslim population and their neighbors. At this rate, our turn had to come up, so now they are focusing on us. But why do they really, really dislike us?

The real problem is our evil ways...we are sinners of the first degree (shutup and pass me a beer).

I have been to Muslim lands, know Muslims, exchanged views with Muslims. Now take those beliefs and kick them up a knotch, and you have the Radical mind-set. Being a male-dominated religion further adds to the mix.

They hate us because of our society's feministic tolerance and encouragement for porn, for bare midriffs, surgicaly enhanced and displayed cleavage, boys marrying boys, girls kissing girls, the F-word used as a verb/noun/adjective, speed dating, radical feminism, and just an overall feeling of moral decadency.

Let's face it...we are sluts.

Well, yes...what's your point Mr. Sword-Swinger?

You mean you hate us because you are afraid our ways will cause your women to get rid of burkas and start wearing hip-hugging jeans? Or that your 10 year old daughter will look like a 20 year old and be propositioned by horny men (and then tossed aside like a gum wrapper)? And heaven forbid if your wife who is wrapped head to toe, decided to actually start shaving her legs and use deodorant...your friends may get aroused and start hitting on her...and that is bad business for a band of brother thugs (you may start taking each other know...kind of like the Africian brothers do here in the USA...just ask Bill Cosby)

Or that your women will want to exercise their power to a free life and start telling you to take out the garbage...and to clean your own swords? Again, not the kind of thing a male-dominated religion wants to hear.

Yes, people hate us because our permissive lifestyle is threatening to an ideology that has been around for a couple thousand years. They don't want us to corrupt their ways...

So it isn't because we are bullies or an elite military machine. Nor is it our statistical misfortune to have our number come up on their hit list.

It's a social reason. It's because we are too slutty for them.

Damn, of all the things we can't change.

Move Over "Ol Bin"

Ladies and gentlemen, please meet BinLaden's replacement in the lineup...Mr. Abu Musab al Zarqawi.

As you know, "ol Bin" has kidney problems. And you know he is being tracked--like the dog that he is -- by special chances are he hasn't gotten the pampered transfusions which he is used to.

And when was the last time you heard from "Ol Bin"? It has been awhile hasn't it? He just doesn't seem to write as often...

Well, you might start to think that Abu ("Zak" to his friends") has taken over for Bin. After all, "Zak" is the one doing all the tough "neck work" and supervising the clean-up.

Who knows, maybe "Bin" could be "Laden" in some shallow grave someplace in them thar hills (sorry...I'll keep my day job). And you know somebody has to step up to the sword..."Zak" is the next coward in line.

If this is the case, Zak has his hands full. Besides murdering all of those innocent people, he is dodging those special ops guys. Rumor has it they can hit a dime from a mile away. When we catch up to him, everything--for him --will go to Alla in a hand basket.

So let's hear it for the latest scum thug of the Middle East. Hopefully, he will be appearing soon, in a morgue near you.

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

America is Slow to React

(I seem to have a weighing concern about our country's here's another thought)

A recent article has said that business executives who are in touch with their feminine side do better in their job.

Hmm....seems like this feminism is a good thing...and a bad thing.

Today's society is valuing the kinder-gentler side of people...let's not really say what is on our minds for it may hurt someone's feeling (we have to be politically correct)...or let's try to talk our troubled kids into seeing the glory of a straight, honest life. And heaven forbid to talk about the illegal immigrants problem at our borders...or an English-only initiative.

Even swapping of recipes has the average guy stumbling away from his traditional hunter role. What channel is Martha on today?

Now on the flip side, our world enemies are taking a slightly different approach. The boys are being trained to hate. The boys are being trained to kill. They are being trained to take advantage of America's waning take advantage of America's feminism.

American conviction sways like a tree in the wind. Instead of the country unifying and start telling the world that we are bent on ridding the globe of the terrorist murders, Americans are more interested in calling our government liars and Hitler wannbees. Let's talk...we can work our your frustrations Mr. Abu Musab Zarqawi.

So, in the end, this slows our national response to a world war now in progress. We are slow to adapt and get on with business. This will make our war-time struggle considerably more protracted, costly, and deadly for Americans on our own soil.

Overpowering trained killers who hate us takes guts, focus, and group commitment. If we sympathize any more with those thugs (via feeling sorry for them because of the prison issue) we are just slowing down our reaction time...and will to win.

And if we lose our will to win, start looking for specials on burbas at your local Muslim retailer.

Monday, August 02, 2004

Sad Planning

Every U.S. citizen--from the YaHoos to the business titans--should know by now that people are planning to kill us...on our soil. Yet there are millions of people with their head in the sand and just don't get it. Ya know, there is time left before they come knocking at your door with a sword...time to get wise to what is going on.

Trouble is...our society is filled with a lot of "feel-gooders" who believe we can talk our way out of this. We just need to be "sensitive".

These same people would try to talk a child molester out of sexually molesting their children too. The end result would be the same...the molester will rape your children and the Islamic fundimentalist murders will cut your throat the first chance they get.

So we need to plan for devestation and damage control. But how can we with so many people not understanding the reality of what is happening?

How can one develop a plan to prevent a truck bomb going off in the Lincoln Tunnel in NY, or the Holland Tunnel when thousands of vehicles use the tunnels daily? The tunnels will be hit at some well as the Golden Gate Bridge and San Francisco. No one is talking about it.

The story continues... If simultaneous bombs drowned both tunnels and thousands of motorists...and the subways had similar disruptions...NY City would be loaded with panicked people who couldn't get off the island. The terroists would now unleash the deadly "finale".

With millions of people stuck in a small defined geographical area, chemical or dirty bombs could do big-time physical and psychological damage to millions of people (not to mention countries). Any number of different explosives could be used...they all go "bang".

So we are in a situation where we have to plan for the inevitable...another attack.

But that brings us back to the roughly 145 million people in the USA who don't understand or accept this reality. And because they don't know what it takes to win a battle (whether it is a boxing match, LaCrosse game, or football), they will be vocal about not pursuing "Art of War" techniques. Our planning will be cheapened by that form of appeasement.

With weak planning, our lives and the future lives of the children will never be the same. And sadly, we will never be able to plan for much else ... except for the certainty of the demise of America.