Sunday, July 19, 2015

And the Winner Is...

Listening to the speeches and sound bites from the Presidential candidates tends to put them into pigeon holes.  So who will have the best performances of the upcoming debates?  Who will be able to take their style of communication and convince the people he/she is the next best thing to sliced bread?

Let's take a look.

We have contestants who throw out a slightly angered speech making them sound tough and fed up with all the incompetent and spineless politicians running loose in DC.  They  tell us they are a person of action and results.  But talk is cheap...

Others use lots of words & lots of different issues.  While not angry, they talk somewhat loud and recite what they have done to address several of the problem issues.  They put forth their experience like a resume.  Yet, too many words makes it difficult for people to really understand.

How about the contestants who pick the old style of  "… and if elected, I promise to do this and that...and that and this"...they think this will wow the crowd.  Old style thinking for modern times?  Danger Will Robertson.

One group starts debates on August 6, 2015.  The other side may not have any debates.  So how will it shake out for the contestants who will use their style to get people talking about them and believing in them?  They have shown us their style as they get ready for the debates and stump speeches.  Now we are getting ready for judgement day on whether they picked the right style.

Prediction:  There will be some who get their butts kicked.

This has a good chance of happening as none of the contestants are world class communicators, including Hillary.  They don't know what it takes to say things that have the audience saying "Hey, I see what he means...I feel that way too”.  Or yes, I see the logic in what he says.

There is a grand champion in the mix that knows how to do that.  We just might want to set back and see a person masterfully convince people instead of making promises.  Nobody else on stage will have the skills of a grand champion...except one.

And if that person performs at the level of a national championship little oxygen will be left in the room.


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