How to Win the Approval of Islamic Radicals
Geez, it seems as though some third-world guys with sharp swords and no intelligence seem to dislike us.
Ask around and liberal people mouth the same answer...we are bullies...we are controlling the world with threats and a war machine that can knock the socks off anyone on this planet. But don't believe them...they do not know of what they speak.
It could be that we are just next in line for them to dislike. Currently there are 14 conflicts in the world between a Muslim population and their neighbors. At this rate, our turn had to come up, so now they are focusing on us. But why do they really, really dislike us?
The real problem is our evil ways...we are sinners of the first degree (shutup and pass me a beer).
I have been to Muslim lands, know Muslims, exchanged views with Muslims. Now take those beliefs and kick them up a knotch, and you have the Radical mind-set. Being a male-dominated religion further adds to the mix.
They hate us because of our society's feministic tolerance and encouragement for porn, for bare midriffs, surgicaly enhanced and displayed cleavage, boys marrying boys, girls kissing girls, the F-word used as a verb/noun/adjective, speed dating, radical feminism, and just an overall feeling of moral decadency.
Let's face it...we are sluts.
Well, yes...what's your point Mr. Sword-Swinger?
You mean you hate us because you are afraid our ways will cause your women to get rid of burkas and start wearing hip-hugging jeans? Or that your 10 year old daughter will look like a 20 year old and be propositioned by horny men (and then tossed aside like a gum wrapper)? And heaven forbid if your wife who is wrapped head to toe, decided to actually start shaving her legs and use deodorant...your friends may get aroused and start hitting on her...and that is bad business for a band of brother thugs (you may start taking each other know...kind of like the Africian brothers do here in the USA...just ask Bill Cosby)
Or that your women will want to exercise their power to a free life and start telling you to take out the garbage...and to clean your own swords? Again, not the kind of thing a male-dominated religion wants to hear.
Yes, people hate us because our permissive lifestyle is threatening to an ideology that has been around for a couple thousand years. They don't want us to corrupt their ways...
So it isn't because we are bullies or an elite military machine. Nor is it our statistical misfortune to have our number come up on their hit list.
It's a social reason. It's because we are too slutty for them.
Damn, of all the things we can't change.
Ask around and liberal people mouth the same answer...we are bullies...we are controlling the world with threats and a war machine that can knock the socks off anyone on this planet. But don't believe them...they do not know of what they speak.
It could be that we are just next in line for them to dislike. Currently there are 14 conflicts in the world between a Muslim population and their neighbors. At this rate, our turn had to come up, so now they are focusing on us. But why do they really, really dislike us?
The real problem is our evil ways...we are sinners of the first degree (shutup and pass me a beer).
I have been to Muslim lands, know Muslims, exchanged views with Muslims. Now take those beliefs and kick them up a knotch, and you have the Radical mind-set. Being a male-dominated religion further adds to the mix.
They hate us because of our society's feministic tolerance and encouragement for porn, for bare midriffs, surgicaly enhanced and displayed cleavage, boys marrying boys, girls kissing girls, the F-word used as a verb/noun/adjective, speed dating, radical feminism, and just an overall feeling of moral decadency.
Let's face it...we are sluts.
Well, yes...what's your point Mr. Sword-Swinger?
You mean you hate us because you are afraid our ways will cause your women to get rid of burkas and start wearing hip-hugging jeans? Or that your 10 year old daughter will look like a 20 year old and be propositioned by horny men (and then tossed aside like a gum wrapper)? And heaven forbid if your wife who is wrapped head to toe, decided to actually start shaving her legs and use deodorant...your friends may get aroused and start hitting on her...and that is bad business for a band of brother thugs (you may start taking each other know...kind of like the Africian brothers do here in the USA...just ask Bill Cosby)
Or that your women will want to exercise their power to a free life and start telling you to take out the garbage...and to clean your own swords? Again, not the kind of thing a male-dominated religion wants to hear.
Yes, people hate us because our permissive lifestyle is threatening to an ideology that has been around for a couple thousand years. They don't want us to corrupt their ways...
So it isn't because we are bullies or an elite military machine. Nor is it our statistical misfortune to have our number come up on their hit list.
It's a social reason. It's because we are too slutty for them.
Damn, of all the things we can't change.