Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Living Forever

Calm blue ocean...calm blue ocean...calm blue ocean...

I just finished my last election blog and then pushed back from my desk.

I sat here, tilted my head, took a deep breath and realized how lucky I am to have something like this blog area to archive my life.

These thoughts will out-live us. By blogging, we are sharing ourselves with generations to come. Boy, that is powerful.

As I age, I think about what is to come...maybe I will start losing my ability to think, like my cousin who has Alzheimer's. Maybe I will pass on suddenly. In any case, someday I won't be here to tell people that I love them or to help show them the way through tough times.

But my blog will keep me alive with my sister, brother, niece, nephews, and friends.

I think about how cool it would be for my niece's kids or nephew's kids to be able to know me, even when I am gone. Blogging will be the connection between my life and theirs.

Blogging will let me tell them how lucky I have been...how happy I have been...how sad I have been. It will let me share my life with them.

So thank God for this opportunity. It is a priceless time capsule and I can't think of a better gift for me, for you, and for the future. We can live forever...

So Sue Me...

Yep, promised you I wouldn't write anymore about the election. However this is a special moment where it's either write this or throw a fit.

Today is the day when I realize, in my heart, that I hate John Kerry.

I hate anyone who is a bold-faced liar...anyone who purposely distorts the truth to get his way. I cannot respect anyone who in one breath says "...the American people deserve to be told the truth in good times and bad times...".

Yet the very next sentence...the very next sentence...he knowingly distorts the widely-known truth, and blasts the President as incompetent because he wasn't smart enough to guard 350 tons of hdx explosive.

This is in-your-face, outright lying. The facts are already known...that the explosives were GONE by the time our troops got there. NBC had embedded journalists who not only wrote this back in April of 2003, but actually were on-air saying the exact same thing...that the explosives were gone by the time the USA got there.

How fucking irresponsible can you get? This man disgraces the Senate and Presidential campaign by not stopping at anything, even total fabrication of lies, to get his way. How in the hell can anyone cheer for a man who attacks, and attacks, and attacks with a systematic program of distortion and contempt for the truth?

They attack with the lie over and over, even after the facts are out showing it is bullshit. Then they move on to start another attack with some new total untruth.

Bush, Where in the Hell is Your Fire?

I am frustrated with Bush. Here we have a man who had the balls to step up to the plate and start swinging against terrorist thugs. He did his best to get a big coalition together, but didn't get it because what he didn't know is they had been bought by Saddam to not support a USA invasion. That's history.

Now, Bush is not stepping up to the plate to jump on the ass of a man who is drawing his blood with intentional lying. This is not the man I saw two years ago, and that frustrates me.

Being a nice guy won't cut it. Being Presidential won't cut it. This is a brawl with an unscrupulous, no character, liar. He needs to start swinging.

Like getting up on his next appearance and say, here's what's going on:
1. The likes of ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC have for the last year been doing everything they could to work against our reelection.
2. Look at the Dan Rather fiasco
3. Look at the recent NY Times effort to sell a fabricated story about explosives to CBS, even though it has been shown to be bogus

Also he should swing hard at Kerry and his boys. Like saying, "here is man who is a liar. He has taken a known false story and has attacked me. Kerry has attacked with total lies over and over again. His character is seriously corrupt."

Lastly, "...regardless of what he promises you, know he is a bold-faced, intentional attack dog liar." He is a disgrace to his proud party, who he has obviously fooled into believing he was a respectful representative and candidate.

This is the Most Corrupt Campaign of My Life

The media and John Kerry are working to steal the election. So tell me...who said "crime doesn't pay"? Never in my 55 years have I seen or read of a campaign as vicious, under-handed, and intentionally dishonest as what I am seeing by the Kerry campaign.

(I won't even mention that Teresa Heinz-Kerry is funding a Muslim-appreciation program in the Pittsburgh area...) So fucking frustrating that people either aren't seeing this or they have no moral character to reject such behavior.

This makes me ashamed for our Country and what it is becoming. This is so fucking sad.

Monday, October 18, 2004

T-Minus 375 Hours

(This is my last commentary on the 2004 election. What will be will be...)

It will all be over in 375 hours.

After months of hatred and anger being spewed in a time of war, this election will be in the books. Around and around we go...where it stops nobody knows. But in 375 hours it will land on either a Red or Blue.

A Shallow Society

The whole 2004 process illustrates how shallow our society and media has become. Here we have a candidate who has a problem telling the truth...even about stupid stuff like his here-today-gone-tomorrow orange "tan". But people don't seem to care about his tendancy to sensationalize or misrepresent.

An Example
Now think about this...how would a wife react to a husband who changed his story even about the stupid stuff like a "tan"? Ask any woman on this planet and you can bet those inconsistencies would raise serious questions about "what's going on?".

It would not be "ok" for him to fabricate, sensationalize, or promote totally unsupported "facts"...it would not be ok for him to be untruthful.

But somehow people support Mr. Kerry, even though he has been caught time after time lying...even about the stupid stuff. It just doesn't seem to matter to them...

How Much Range Do They Have?

If you look at yourself, you know you are somewhat--or a lot--set in your ways. The older you get, the more "set" you are. It takes more and more to make you change your mind. It is just human nature and a product of our years of wisdom and experience.

So how do you explain when traditional Democrats who agreed with and supported the likes of John Kennedy or Sen. Joe Lieberman (traditional democrats) can all of a sudden support someone who is far removed from their traditional roots?

People do not have this range of acceptance built in to their heads. They cannot swing from one extreme to the other on a whim. People don't accept change this easily...just ask any newly married couple or any business asking their employees to do something totally different. Getting people to change is hard to do.

Yet Democrats are walking like Lemmings behind a man who is vastly different from them...and behind a man who cannot tell the same "truth" from one day to the next. Or a man who is more socialist than an American nationalist...

Lemmings historically have followed others right over the cliff. How intelligent is that? All it would take is for one of them to raise their head and say, "What am I doing?" and think for themselves. When that happens, the "truth" of the situation becomes clear. In the case of the Lemmings, it will save their life.

Yet we see a lot of people not questioning anything about this hard left liberal/socialist...they are just being "good democrats" and voting the line...being Lemmings and not being intelligent about who they are following.

This man represents only a small fringe of society but that doesn't seem to matter to the everyday American.

The Finale

So, my last comment on all this, is this: We are seeing a dramatic illustration of the "Dumbing Down of America" in action.

We have become a product of "reality" shows (which are planned and scripted). We have become a product of American Idol...where people vote the futures of other people, based on personality and 2 minute performances.

We have become a society who wants someone else to pick up the tab, instead of taking the responsibility to do the work or admit the wrong.

We are becoming a weak society who is following aggressive radical thinking of fringe groups. The aggression is purposely blurring the difference between American core values and those values of weak, lame, and historically-meaningless countries.

At what point in time will this stop? At what point will the American nationalist start fighting back? For if that doesn't happen, the question becomes, what will the T-minus countdown be to the demise of this country?

God Save the United States of America.

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Anything Goes

I know...I know...get on with other stuff.

Ok. Here's my promise: "Maybe one more after this one, and I won't say another word about the election."

This election year has crystallized my thoughts about everything we are going through. I am active in the intellectual debate about our future.

I am one of the few who has really thought about this beyond the election consequences. I know that may sound presumptuous, but my daily experience is proving the theory...heck, why wouldn't I be right? After all, most people don't think two or three years down the pike...about societal/ governmental/ world consequences anyway...

The Beginning

It started with a somewhat docile society. Let's use that as the base.

Then Clinton got caught doing his cigar magic with Monica--in the Oval Office of all places. That started families across America talking about it at the dining room table. Hmmm, I can't remember EVER talking to my grandma or mom about blow jobs.

So that opened the door for others to push the "freedom of speech" envelope a little more. Enter Howard Stern and his "do you like anal or oral?" or "let's see your titties" radio show.

Thanks Howard. Now the door is opened a lot wider. More and more people are jumping on the bandwagon to say whatever they want to say, because it is their "right". "If you don't like it, don't listen...or sue me". The FCC did.

Then--for the teenie-bopper kids--enter Brit Spears and all of the nipple-pierced, silicon boobs, and hooker outfitted wannabees. Now even the 12 year olds are dressing like 19 year old sluts and parents have lost the remains of their already weak ability to say "no". Janet Jackson's Super Bowl breast helped her sell lots of CD's.

Now the door to "anything goes" is really wide open, as society has begun to embrace it at all levels, including the media. "What's so wrong with seeing a boob with a nipple shield bouncing around in front of millions in a world-wide audience?" Ask a radical Muslim what he thinks about it.

It Continues in 2004

This election year has seen the media for what it is...a biased group of organizations who are influencing the public with slanted views. Just ask Dan Rather. They endorse John Kerry by placement of his "news" before the President...by running positive sound bites from/about him, but have little or nothing to say good about the President. They do all the tricks every advertising agency has been doing for years to promote things. I know, I taught the course.

Then the election...remember the election? After Kerry made the huge rhetoric change during the primary from being reasonable to taking on the "we are going to hell because of Bush" approach of Howard Dean, the door has swung wide open.

Society is numb to the truth. So it believes outright lies from John Kerry.

...Kerry said Bush is going to bring back the draft = total lie (per congress and the Selective Service)
...Kerry said Bush is responsible for the 350 tons of missing high explosives in Iraq = total lie (as it turned up missing between 1998 (Clinton's time in office), and 2002 (before Bush even invaded Iraq)
...And that Bush stole the 2000 election because he prevented people from voting. And Kerry keeps on the attack, throwing around these lies as though they were fact. He has not been able to prove any of these charges...hmmmmm...

Outright lies and Kerry knows it. Yet there is a saying that if you throw enough mud, some of it will stick...even though it is totally untrue.

So the American public will choose between a known liberal and a quasi-conservative. If it goes the liberal way, you can bet the ranch that the effort to loosen the "anything goes" constraints on society will increase. It is a liberal mindset...and remnember, Kerry is one of them...the most liberally-rated senator in our government.

The Consequence

Mediocrity. The leveling out of our society where people are more homogeneous. More sensitivity towards everyone, including other religions, like Muslim. Muslim holidays will be on the calendar, prayers over community loudspeakers, our government being pulled away from its roots and conforming to Mexican and Cuban wants. Other nationalities will start "calling the shots" in city after city.

The Pledge of Allegiance, City emblems with "religious" references or symbols in their seals, the official language of the USA, amnesty for illegal aliens,...etc, etc...will be under attack. Slowly each one will lose. We will water-down every aspect of what this nation was built on and fought for during the years prior to 2000.

The public will accept -- even cheer -- liars, cheats, and permissive government personalities...all with the encouragement of the media.

The End...Why I am Anxious

So this is why I am so anxious about this election and beyond: This is a watershed time in our country's history. What happens here will either begin our accelerated walk into the ranks of a world power gone "pussy-whipped" (with someone like China bucking us for world power), or do what we can to hold onto the idea that we have a destiny to lead the world in freedom.

Right now we are acting like a company...trying to be smart about what is coming down the pike...anticipating it and acting before it is upon us. Like avoiding fierce competition before it hurts our sales. To be proactive in what we do...to be a leader and show people -- who have not been successful -- how to do it right.

If John Kerry were a large corporation's CEO, his ideas would not work, pure and simple. His business would be gobbled up by any number of competitors. And in this election, the competitors are socialism and world ranking.

Some say civil war could be in our future. God save the USA.

Saturday, October 16, 2004

A Hollywood Kiss

I was a little boy who lived in back of my grandma and grandpa's house. I had the best of both worlds...mom, dad, sister, and brother at my house, and gram and gramp a door away.

Gramp was a mechanic who had his shop in the narrow back yard of his home at 1011 Harrison St in Sandusky Ohio. He lived a hard, rewarding life as someone who took pride in fixing and building things.

He was a German, born in the late 1890's...A man who lived a common sense life and stuck with ideas that worked for him, his family, and his neighbors. Practical solutions for everyday problems. A man of action who impressed everyone who knew the straight-talking, mildly profane, "Hank".

The Argument

One day I was sitting with Gram at her dining room table in front of the big picture window and gramp came in from the garage. Before long Gram and Gramp were having words about some insignificant irritation that we all have from time to time.

Gramp grabbed a beer from the ice box and he stormed back out.

A little while later, Gramp came back in and Gram ignored him until they had another small heated exchange. Out goes Gramp again.

Geez, I hadn't seen them argue like this before. It scared me, because they had always been hugging and loving. Geez, they couldn't hug enough...

A little while later, Gramp comes back in. He looks at Gram, but says nothing.

"Are ya still mad at me Meilee?", he finally said in an uncharacteristically soft tone.

With that she got up from her chair, walked over to him, gave him a big hug, and kissed him hard and long....right in front of me!

Wow! Look at that!! And how about that Hollywood-style kiss!! I didn't know Grandma and Grandpa did stuff like THAT! O-o-o-o-o!

The world is back to being in love and I can breathe easier knowing all is normal.

It showed me the power of understanding and love.

Fast Forward to October 16, 2004

The world we live in now is a far cry from the day I witnessed Gram and Gramp's argument and make-up. And this worries me.

Even as early as 2000, the United States was arguing amongst itself. Now, here it is, four years later, and things are no better.

The country is divided right down the middle on which way we should go...to be conservative in nature and let people rule their choices in life, or move towards a liberal/socialist model where people give up their choices for the good of the people and more government involvement.

Today's differences are significant. And unlike the days of Gram and Gramp, people of today divorce when they think too differently.

The significant polar differences between the liberal left and the passionate conservatives makes me believe we are headed for a rocky road with no clear kissing and making-up anytime soon.

This was happening before Sept. 11, 2001. After 911, everyone rallied around the central USA theme for a while and that was good. Even New Yorkers were nice to each other.

But that was short lived. People have retreated back to their political camps and once again we are back to the pre-Sept 11th division. We saw that people don't really change their "spots"...they remained true to their ideologies even under a short-term blanket of post Sept. 11th patriotism.

The next major terrorist attack may once again bridge the gap, but as history shows, it will not be a lasting union between the liberals and conservatives.

Maybe it is a result of the feminism our society is giving in to. Maybe it is because the activists are aggressively pushing their ideas on a passive, conservative mindset. We know that it is the aggressor who sets the rules...

So Now What?

In any case, our society is in flux. We are arguing among ourselves and the split is getting wider. Each group is getting less tolerant of the other. We are headed for a big change in our world.

We may see ourselves divorcing "democracy" and giving ourselves to the world standard of socialism. And with any divorce, no one wins...we will lose our way of life, standard of living, and ability to share the magic of overcoming differences and then kissing each other like a Hollywood movie.

Just like my Grandma and Grampa...Meil and Hank. There is something to say about the good ol' days...

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Part One: Momma Has a New Opinion...

Even the wind doesn't change direction as much as voter opinions.

Voter opinion fluctuates so wildly that I wonder if there is something in the water, or if Mad People disease has taken over. Maybe we need a test...

How about a comparison?

Sailors catch the wind to go places...from here to over there. If the wind keeps changing for no real reason, someone might yell, "What the hell?" Hard to have a nice day when you can't count on a steady wind. People like stable things.

Now compare that to the Presidential polls...People's opinions are changing continuously. One minute they favor one candidate...the next minute (really) they believe in the other. "What the hell?"

How can these people be so weak that they can be manipulated in 90 minutes of TV? Gullible? Naive? Stupid? Lame? What's the word I am looking for?

It Was Clear a Year Ago

It's been a year since Howard "The Screamer" Dean hijacked the Democratic party with his spewing of hatred, anger, and unsupported conspiracy theories. Kerry saw it got people energized so he signed up for "Howard's Way" of campaigning. The rest is history.

The choice has been clear from day one...either you believe in standing up for yourself, taking the bull by the horns, and whoopin' the ass of someone who needs it (of course after you have tried to talk sense to the U.N. and the bad guys)...or you believe that ass whoopin's are a bad thing in themselves and we should concentrate on being sensitive and talk peace to those people who are busy sawing through the neck of a countryman.

Unfortunately, it seems to be the nurturing instinct of women who are backing the latter thought. I mean really...It should be expected as guys are the ones who learned to fight against the playground bullies in grade school while the pig-tailed girls where cutting out paper dolls and playing duck-duck-goose.

That's reality. It was the boys getting pushed down and skinning elbows, not the girls.

What the women are doing is enabling a candidate who is the most liberal senator in the government...peace, love, war is bad. His 19 year senate record is the proof positive of this.

So, What Does This All Mean

It means that should the winds of fickle opinions be filling the sails of Kerry on Nov. 2, 2004, our country and future will pay the price for momma's misunderstanding of the new world. When that happens, the people who are responsible for this mistake will not be prepared for what that means...and what happens next.

(This is part one of a two part blog. The next blog talks about the consequences of voter fickleness and misunderstanding.)

Part Two: The Consequence

Ok, where were we?

We were talking about what happens next if Kerry fools enough people...and wins the election. Don't get me wrong...he is probably a good man...it's his ideology that is the problem for America at this time. Here's the scoop...

Historically, every leading civilization has collapsed after an average of 200 years. That means we are on borrowed time.

Yes, even democracies collapsed after 200 years.

You see, our way of life is temporary in nature because sooner or later voters discover they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. Once the voting public realizes that, they will vote for the one who promises them the most gifts, until inevitably the government goes broke. (Thank you Paul Harvey).

Democracy vs. Socialism

So let's think about this. Kerry and his wife are internationalists who want to mold America into the governmental models of Europe...Socialism. He wants to have the UN monitor our elections, wants the UN's approve before deciding on the method of protecting our country, and stated he would weaken our world defense by canceling a nuclear defense program, which the UN and socialist Europe wants.

He wants to fit in with the world and believes that if we are more like them, they will like us more and bring us closer together...more warm and fuzzy.

Kerry is missing the point...and an important history lesson. Socialism does not work...that's why almost everyone in the world wants to come to America. Our system works...it offers people meaningful lives and a chance to make their dreams come true. Yet Kerry is offering Socialism to a dumbed-down voter pool who likes the idea of gifts.

And he has wants to give nuclear material to an enemy and see if they can be trusted not to use it for ugly purposes. WHAT? Give the bad guys gifts too?

Kerry's pursuit of a socialist culture would be "pulling the trigger" on the decline of the American way. His world-class liberalism would start the collapse of our way of life...we would start the slide of becoming just another defeated leading civilization.

Reality: 21st Century Thinking

The UN is comprised of many small and insignificant countries who are backward and even "third-world" in their culture and attitudes. They are not leading edge.

The U.N. is corrupt to the bone. The U.N. is ineffective in doing what it was chartered to do. Look at the continued failures in Bosnia. Where was the UN when Rwanda was under siege? Where are they now with Sudan atrocities? Why are we still part of this group? We don't agree on much anymore.

The UN is fighting our proactiveness because most of the U.N. membership is made of corrupt and stifling governments who don't want to give up their power. And they don't want to admit that there are serious changes in the world, which they know they can't solve. And they know a determined USA can solve them. And that scares them.

The Bush USA knows we are in a serious world war. The USA said, "Time to stop this bullsh-t"..."let's fix the problem, Jack!" We turn into the battle...we don't back away and believe it doesn't exist. We don't run...we win...that's our history.

We won't stick our heads in the sand and refuse to see reality. We refuse to beg for permission, for anything which we know has to be done, from a bunch of weak, corrupt UN gangland do-nothings. As it has been said, "Lead, follow, or get out of the way".

The moment we give up that attitude, will be the moment we start our collapse as a leading civilization. That is what people are misunderstanding...they don't realize the consequences of their fickle, unbased opinions.

Tragic Consequences

Just because they don't like Bush, they will vote to end a civilization. Sad, pathetic reasoning.

Not liking a person because he acts like a cowboy or spits or seems a little cocky at times is one thing...but intentionally voting against him and voting for a person who can start the demise of our culture is irresponsible.

President Bush offers us the gift of safety and security against foreign murders (as best anyone can)...but that isn't as satisfying to some people as free housing, free healthcare, free...free...free.

Kerry offer us those "free" gifts of more entitlement programs, more generous social programs. People really perk up when they think they will get something for free.

But wait a minute...isn't that where we started?

"Historically, every leading civilization has collapsed after an average of 200 years...because sooner or later voters discover they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury..."